How to Shake the Invisible Hand (When Robinson Meets Friday)
We propose to de ne the invisible hand by (i) modelling the mechanism itself (not to just assume its existence) and (ii) making explicit the limit conditions for its working. For that purpose, we simply assimilate the working of the invisible hand mechanism to the existence of a social preference such that individual and social optimalities are consistent. In introducing the possibility of interaction among individuals, we then suggest that the standard Robinson case or social atomicity is just a degenerate feature of a more general requirement that we call the Global Network Agreement. Our main result is that the invisible hand mechanism does keep on working when there is an interaction between Robinson and Friday if the former (resp. the latter) is sensitive to the latter (resp. the former) in such a way that they exhibit some agreement in preferences. Hence, the Robinson casenaturally satis es this property since nor Robinson neither Friday can disagree with himself. But more cooperative situations are also allowed in order to extent the invisible hand mechanism to cases with interactions. Nous proposons de dé nir la Main Invisible sous la forme dun mécanisme formel explicite. Pour cela, nous assimilons ce mécanisme à lexistence dune relation de préférence sociale telle que les optimalités individuelle et collective soient compatibles. Puis en introduisant une possibilité dinteraction entre agents, nous suggérons que le cas standard (Adam Smith) datomicité socialeconstitue le cas limite dune classe plus générale de situations satisfaisant toutes une certaine contrainte appelée le Global Network Agreement(ou Accord Global de Réseau). Notre résultat principal est alors que le mécanisme de la main invisible sapplique même en présence dinteractions dès lors que les agents qui interagissent sont sensibles en préférence les uns aux autres dune manière telle quils manifestent entre eux un consensus minimal. Aussi, le cas standard (chaque agent est un Robinson) satisfait naturellement cette propriété, I thank Maurice Salles, Jacques-François Thisse, James Friedman, Claudio Mezzetti, the participants of the doctoral seminars at Venice International University and two referees for comments and suggestions. Furthermore, I specially thank Tzachi Gilboa whose remarks clearly improve the proof and even the meaning of the second theorem. Usual disclaimer applies. For correspondence : Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2, 92 rue dAssas, 75006, Paris, France, e-mail address : [email protected] 1 ha ls hs -0 05 88 08 1, v er si on 1 22 A pr 2 01 1 cependant, dautres cas, beaucoup plus coopératifs sont eux aussi aussi compatibles avec le mécanisme de la main invisible. JEL Classi cation : A13-D71-J15
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